Группа компаний «STEP-BY-STEP»
Маркетинг Брендинг Call Center Консалтинг Аналитика

Group Step by Step’s qualifications

The “Step by Step”® Group of Companies was formed by developing the main courses of “Step by Step MA” business and joining other related companies. At this moment Group “Step by Step” provides the whole complex of consulting services in the following spheres:

  • Consulting in marketing and management
  • Branding
  • Marketing researches
  • Real Estate consulting and researches

“Step by Step” Group of Companies consists of 5 independent representative branches:

  • Step by Step Consulting
  • Step by Step Researches
  • Step by Step Real Estate
  • Analytics Centre ”SbS Analytics”™
  • Call-centre MarketPhone™

Due to effective system of communications within its branches, Group “Step by Step” is able to satisfy any Client’s requirements in marketing and consulting sphere.

We are known as a reliable partner that can explore different markets all round and adequately estimate the situation inside the company of Client.

High level of our objectivity, a vast number of various methods based on rich experience allow “Step by Step” Group of Companies to be one of the leaders of the Russian consulting and research industry.

Group “Step by Step” is a good instrument for foreign companies that wish to create an effective scheme of their business emerging and expanding in Russia. Our methods are adapted to the specifics of foreign company operations in Russia. We have successful joint projects with such companies as: “Arkhyz spring water”, “Hitachi”, “X5 Retail Group”, “ALBA group”, “Video International”, Riviera Park Sochi, CP “Gorky Park’, “Honeywell”, “HUURRE”, “Emborg Foods”, “Penta Investments”, “Nestle”, “Oxfam” and other.

We are proud of our joint projects with more than 300 well-known Russian companies and hope their business will prosper in future.




Архив Новостей
home Карта сайта

125009, Москва
Брюсов переулок,
д. 11, стр. 1, офис 208а
WhatsApp и многоканальный телефон: +7 (495) 109-07-79


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